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Care Management Services

Did You Know?
CMS has begun paying for more non-face-to-face portions of care, such as Chronic Care Management, Transitional Care Management and Annual Well Visits. However, spending a minimum of 20 minutes per month per beneficiary, staying in contact with patients, their Families, and every one of their other providers, having clinical staff available 24/7/365, obtaining medical records from all providers, creating care reports, and keeping track of payments can become a time consuming and daunting task! Let us help to ensure that you have the tools needed to get the per beneficiary per month payment by providing a patient-centered solution that combines innovative technology and 24/7 care coordination.
Chronic Care Management
Medicare now reimburses providers for chronic care management (CCM). CCM payments are For delivering specified non-Face-to-Face care to qualified beneficiaries Management over a calendar month. Our Chronic Care Management experts will help you reduce your risk of Failing a RAC audit, increase your revenue by ensuring your invested time is billable, and reduce your costs. We will also improve overall quality of care by allowing patients to speak directly with our Care Coordinators at a time that is convenient For them. 
For More Info, click here..
Transitional Care Management
Medicare will pay for two CPT codes (99495 and 99496) that are used to report physician or qualifying nonphysician practitioner care management services for a patient following a discharge from a hospital, SNF, or CMHC stay, outpatient observation, or partial hospitalization. These CPT codes allow physicians to report their transitional care management services, including the non-face-to-face time they and their clinical staff spend on patient cases.
Annual Well Visits
As a result of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare now covers an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV), providing Personalized Prevention Plan Services (PPPS) at no cost to the patient. This new benefit provides an ongoing focus on prevention.

Payable only once within 12 months of patient joining Medicare 

Welcome to Medicare Preventive Visit G0402 

Payable only once per lifetime


Initial AWV G0438 (average reimbursement $172) 

 Payable every 12 months   

Subsequent AWV G0439 (average reimbursement $111)  

The Medicare Annual Wellness Visit provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals to be reimbursed while providing necessary preventive care to their patients. The annual wellness visit must be performed by a physician or qualified non-physician practitioner under the supervision of a physician.
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